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Charity week for Willow Foundation and St Albans Museums and Galleries Trust

Last week Debenhams Ottaway held a charity week in aid of their nominated charities for 2014/15 – Willow Foundation and St Albans Museums and Galleries Trust – raising over £3,000. Debenhams Ottaway also matched the money raised by its staff to make a grand total of £6,000.

The week began with a team of 13 staff taking part in the Willow 10K run at Hatfield House on Sunday 4 October. The flagship event of the week was a charity quiz night at Veer Dhara restaurant supported by many local businesses and representatives, including the two charities. The guests were treated to a preview of the new Veer Dhara restaurant on Hatfield Road before its official opening on Friday 10 October. Other activities that took place during the charity week included a cake sale, FIFA tournament, charity raffle and ‘Wear a Hat to Work’.

Willow Foundation is a Hatfield based charity set up to provide positive and life-enhancing special days for seriously ill 16 to 40 year olds. The St Albans Museums and Galleries Trust is currently raising funds for a major project “renaissance: St Albans” to relocate the museum and gallery to the Old Town Hall with funding secured from the lottery and local council.

Mike Gray from St Albans Museums and Galleries Trust commented “It’s fantastic that Debenhams Ottaway is leading the way as a local business supporting the St Albans Museums and Galleries Trust. We are very grateful for their support for this exciting once-in-a-generation project to create a cultural heritage centre of excellence in the Town Hall.”

Willow representative Hannah Gray said “The charity week has been an amazing success and we have been overwhelmed by the fundraising efforts of Debenhams Ottaway staff which will mean we can create even more Special Days for seriously ill young adults.”

Bernadette Hillman, partner at Debenhams Ottaway commented “Debenhams Ottaway is committed to supporting local charities and initiatives. This year we asked our staff to nominate two charities to support. Thank you to all staff and friends of the firm for their support and generosity during charity week.”

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