The collaborative process is a form of alternative dispute resolution which is used to consider and resolve any issues you may have may whether they are financial issues or problems relating to the children.  It involves all parties including your solicitor and ex-partners solicitor signing a non-litigation agreement.  The agreement sets all the parties’ commitment to finding solutions to their issues without asking a court to intervene and make decisions.

It encourages couples to keep positive lines of communication open and to focus on the issues that are most important to them. It is designed to progress at a pace which suits them. This is often very different to the court’s approach, in that it is more flexible and often results in an amicable outcome.

Having a solicitor working with you throughout your divorce or separation who is committed to achieving a fair and reasonable outcome for you, your partner and your family can help you emerge from the process with a settlement, as well as a constructive relationship for the future. This can prove invaluable, particularly if you need to consider creative solutions to make the future as good as it can be for you and the rest of the family.

When choosing the collaborative divorce approach

  • you and your partner appoint your own collaboratively trained lawyer
  • you all sign an agreement that commits you to trying to resolve the issues without going to court and prevents your lawyer from representing you in court if the process breaks down
  • you all meet together to work things out face-to-face

If need be, advice and assistance can also be brought into the process from other collaboratively trained professionals such as financial advisers, accountants and family counsellors.

Two of our family lawyers are collaboratively trained and members of the Hertfordshire Family Law Group and other London groups. They are committed to finding a solution that offers you flexibility to find solutions that the court can’t.

All of our family lawyers are members of Resolution and subscribe to the Resolution Code of Practice. This promotes an approach to family law that is sensitive, constructive, cost-effective and most likely to result in an agreement. To discuss how we can help you using the collaborative process, contact us today.

  • Helen Young has to be one of the hardest working solicitors I have ever encountered. She has a no-nonsense approach to cases and has seemingly-effortless good judgment. Her clients soon come to trust her implicitly, and rightly so, she always fights hard for her clients whilst giving realistic advice that allows them to choose a path in keeping with their own formulation of risk. She strips emotion out of decision making and helps clients understand decisions from a strategic and pragmatic viewpoint.

    Legal 500 UK 2022
  • Debenhams Ottaway have a great team of family lawyers led by the excellent Helen Young. Great team approach to working too.

    Legal 500 UK 2023
  • Helen Young leads the family team and sets a great example to those in her department with her hard work ethic and approachable style. She’s very popular with her clients and fellow professionals. I enjoy working alongside her.

    Legal 500 UK 2023
  • Helen Young is always on top of her cases and gives very realistic and settlement-focused advice to her clients.

    Legal 500 UK 2023

The Collaborative Process news